We Are
Starfall System

Welcome to our carrd! We are the Starfall System! We identify as para/neuro/traumagenic. Body is middle-eastern (turkey), adult and autistic. Click the buttons to know more about us!


â—ˆOur body is an autistic adult and is middle-eastern-mixed.
â—ˆ We are cool with people interacting with us (especially to talk about plurality in general) that is as long as our boundaries are respected.
â—ˆ Minors may interact carefully, and please let us know you are a minor so we can avoid certain topics. But we also may RT semi-NSFW art, so please do not follow our accounts.
â—ˆ We are diagnosed with ADHD, OCD, GAD, Depression and PTSD.
We likely have some other stuff going on but that's not certain for now.
â—ˆ We have Maladaptive Daydreaming that we currently mostly have control over.
â—ˆ Our system is mixed origin, trauma/neuro/paragenic with some dissociation.
â—ˆ We are studying molecular biology and genetics, currently third grade.


Pedophiles, zoophiles, homophobes, transphobes, kinphobes, exclusionists, sysmeds and anyone who is against good-faith identities. Yes, that includes anti-endos and sysmeds, all system origins are valid.We do not want to be invited to your religion/practice/belief whatever, or discuss these matters with you. Trying to do so even as a joke will get you blocked.We all have specific triggers of our own but you do not need to know any of these, we will tell you if we feel the need.We accept no sexualization or harmful jokes about our littles, and if you cross that we will cross you.We require tone tags to achieve clear communication. You don't have to overdo it, we can ask for tone tags when we cannot understand tone.We have a 3 warning rule we apply to everyone in our life who are not in our close friend circle.That means when we have issues with someone we warn them 3 times, if they are not improving and/or insist on being toxic they'll get blocked.If you are blocked by us like this and want to contact us, don't.